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Industrial IoT

Turn Data into Intelligence and Transform Your Operations

Increase Visibility to Enhance Efficiency

Customized, powerful automation and data analytics tools to boost performance no matter where you are in your digital transformation.

Industrial IoT operational efficiencies
Improve Operational Efficiencies Digital transformation is fueling the rapid evolution of service delivery – and industrial organizations will need to evolve quickly. KORE can help.
Industrial IoT keep costs low
Keep Costs Low The IoT ecosystem is complex, making it expensive for industrial organizations to deploy, manage, and sustain connected solutions. KORE can help.
Industrial IoT business intelligence
Generate Business Intelligence Predictive maintenance that optimizes efficiency, reliability, and safety needs equipment and performance analysis. KORE can help.

Benefits of IIoT

Increase industrial IoT equipment uptime
Increase Equipment Uptime

Monitor your equipment closely and continuously so you know exactly when to conduct routine maintenance.

Industrial organizations depend on expensive and specialized machinery that’s usually geographically dispersed, making maintenance a challenge. When health checks aren’t performed at the right times, equipment repairs are inevitable causing downtime and disruption that can cut into productivity and revenues. KORE can help you implement industrial IoT solutions that closely monitor and track machines so you can be proactive about maintenance and repairs.

Automate Industrial field service activities
Automate Field Service Activities

Give remote technicians access to information and applications that facilitate efficient maintenance and repairs.

Field service activities can be inefficient and costly, especially when a single issue requires repeat visits. Specialized industrial IoT solutions automate these types of processes by connecting field service technicians via tablet, wearable, or smartphone to backend systems, so they can easily schedule and coordinate preventative maintenance and emergency repairs - regardless of their location.

Manage industrial IoT inventory
Manage Equipment

Visibility into operations and equipment for peak performance and production

The KORE Industrial IoT platform is an intuitive web-based user interface that provides insight into your connected equipment. The KORE platform connects data and equipment across your organization to give you the highest level of visibility for greater operational efficiency. An edge to cloud solution with secure cellular connectivity, KORE IIoT solutions are reliable and affordable.

Industrial IoT data analysis
Build Predictive Models

Use your data to see what’s going on in and around your plant – and predict what’s coming next.

To survive in today’s global landscape, you need to be constantly aware of conditions related to product quality and operational performance, as well as environmental factors that can impact outcomes. By analyzing industrial IoT data, you can identify trends and proactively and efficiently address any potential issues that may arise down the road.

Industrial IoT Solutions that Prepare You for the 4th Industrial Revolution
The digitalization of legacy processes and equipment is driving the next industrial revolution. KORE offers solutions that help organizations take advantage of IoT data – and advanced analytics to create valuable business insights.

Continuous Delivery of Insightful Data for Improved Uptime

Industrial companies have traditionally faced unexpected downtime due to preventable issues like machinery malfunctions, equipment overload, and hazardous external conditions. KORE enables businesses to implement solutions that embed industrial IoT-enabled devices into machinery that continuously collect and share data to reveal details about the condition of your equipment, helping you stay ahead of the troubles that cause downtime.

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Value Added Services That Create Monetization Opportunities

As automated and streamlined processes drive the creation of new service-oriented business models, industrial organizations can no longer remain competitive by simply producing and shipping goods. That’s why KORE offers industrial IoT solutions that make it easy for technicians to access cloud-based applications that provide useful information such as service time, parts, readings, notes, and photos all at their fingertips.

See Our Approach

Real-time Tracking of Stock and Shipments

It’s common for businesses to lose a significant amount of revenues from missing or stolen goods due to antiquated tracking systems. Industrial IoT warehouse optimization solutions use sensors attached to shelves and materials to deliver real-time location information of wholesale goods, monitored from production to warehouse storage. These devices can also lay the foundation for more futuristic automation that guides robots to pick and re-stock items.

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IIoT vs IoT

IoT is focused on serving individual consumers, while IIoT is focused on serving industrial operations.

The distinction between IIoT and IoT lies not only in their underlying technologies but also in their intended applications. With KORE, IoT is focused on serving individual consumers by simplifying the coverage yet giving you the multi-carrier connectivity you need and automating network tasks. In contrast, IIoT operates within the industrial sphere as a subset of IoT, emphasizing automation and efficiency within entire organizational frameworks rather than isolated user experiences.

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) includes a network of sensors, instruments, and autonomous devices interconnected through the internet to enhance industrial operations. By facilitating data collection, analysis, and production optimization, IIoT works to simplify manufacturing processes and service provision, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing costs. Unlike IoT's consumer-centric focus, IIoT prioritizes enhancing safety and efficiency within production environments, emphasizing solutions tailored to industrial needs rather than consumer gadgets and services. Learn more about IoT here.

Ensuring you stay ahead with the next generation of IoT technology

Leveraging nearly two decades of IoT knowledge and experience, KORE manages the complexities of enterprise IoT solutions by offering a comprehensive set of managed IoT services, technology, and strong vendor relationships across the entire IoT landscape.

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Next Generation Industrial IoT Technology