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IoT Security: The Key to Building Trust

4 minute read

IoT adoption is growing faster than ever, with some market researchers predicting 25.2 billion IoT devices will be connected by 2025. This exciting forecast means that connected devices will be collecting and exchanging greater volumes of data than ever before, making trust a critical component to ensuring success in IoT projects. One of the most crucial elements of building trust is IoT security.

Lack of Trust Holds Back IoT Adoption

Security remains a primary concern for companies looking to deploy IoT solutions. According to the Beecham Research report, “Why IoT Projects Fail,” 62% of organizations cite security concerns as the main challenge to getting Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) initiatives past the proof-of-concept stage.

Cybersecurity and data privacy risks can have disastrous reputational and financial consequences. With so much at risk, trust is important for organizations to successfully deploy and scale innovative IoT solutions.

Security by Design Builds Trust

Security by Design, also sometimes referred to as “built-in security,” is central to building trust in IoT solutions. The basic principle of Security by Design is building security into an IoT solution from the outset. When security is considered and implemented during the initial strategy and design phases of IoT deployment, it helps to identify and secure potential points of vulnerability.  

The key to implementing Security by Design is identifying and mitigating potential threats prior to production. This can be done through a method known as STRIDE threat modeling, which covers six categories of security threats, including spoofing, tampering, repudiation, information disclosure, denial of service, and elevation of privilege.

Intelligent IoT Security Solutions

IoT security solutions are critical to ensuring that sensitive data doesn’t end up in the wrong hands. Detecting network outages, network traffic bursts, and denial-of-service attacks in order to resolve issues proactively is made possible through real-time traffic monitoring and endpoint management.

Intelligent security solutions for IoT projects include virtual private networks, mobile device management, and real-time network diagnostic tools like the award-winning KORE SecurityProTM. When implemented through Security by Design and with the help of experts in IoT security, these solutions provide a granular view into device behavior that secures digital assets while building trust.  

Trusted IoT Security Experts

KORE is a global, independent IoT leader who has been recognized for services, growth, and innovation in IoT security by Fierce Telecom, IoT Evolution, Frost & Sullivan, and more. KORE offers proven expertise and guidance that helps businesses securely deploy, manage, and scale IoT initiatives to maximize investments and transform business performance.

Download our eBook, "A Guide to Security by Design for the Internet of Things" to learn how building security by design at the outset can help deliver secure, future-proofed IoT solutions.


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