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What are Private Networks?

4 minute read

Private networks have risen in popularity in recent years. According to Grand View Research, the global private 5G network market was valued at approximately $1.4 billion in 2021 and is estimated to increase at a compound annual growth rate of 49 percent from 2022 to 2030. The popularity of private networks come from its secure and reliable way to transport data across a network that is not easily accessible to the public.

It’s essentially a dedicated network for the use by a sole operator and only authorized connected devices are allowed to connect to the network. Private networks provide a level of security and control for data management to perform at a higher quality with more flexibility. These solutions can be required when existing solutions, such as Wi-Fi or public networks, do not meet certain requirements.

Challenges & Benefits of Private Networks

Because of their increased security and reliability, private networks offer a number of benefits compared to public networks for business use cases across many verticals. However, with those benefits can come roadblocks. Here are some top challenges and advantages for private networks:


  • Affordability
  • Integration
  • Complexity


  • High flexibility/speeds
  • Low latency
  • Greater security
  • Global deployment/coverage

KORE can help tackle the challenges that come with the integration of a new service. Private networks can provide an invaluable solution for organizations looking for secure communication without compromising privacy, reliability, or visibility.

Private Networks in the Real-World

Private networks present real-world solutions across a variety of use cases and verticals. It allows enterprises to fully control how the network is deployed and utilized. Some examples include:

Hospitals and clinical centers – Mission-critical devices hold mass amounts of confidential data, and large healthcare systems can greatly benefit from increased security of private LTE networks.

Manufacturing – Private networks play a key role in enabling digital transformation in the manufacturing sector. From IoT sensors to Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGV), there are plenty of use cases in this vertical with different bandwidth and latency requirements.

Stadiums and arenas – It’s widely known that if you’re at a sizeable sporting event or concert, the likelihood of connecting to a cellular network at top speeds is not probable. Large crowds can clog public networks that can cause failed applications at the event. Stadiums and arenas can benefit from private networks to decrease congestion and increase speed.

College and universities – Due to the size of most campuses, universities can benefit from private networks to provide cellular coverage across the area without having to compromise network control.

KORE Can Help

KORE provides private network solutions using multiple wireless technologies to help enterprises of all sizes achieve a more secure, reliable, and faster network system. From Low Power Wide Area to 5G high speeds, our industry expertise and services allow you to build a seamless private network with a faster time-to-market.

Want to learn more about how to unlock a smarter ecosystem? Download our datasheet, “Private LTE for Reliability, Low Latency” here

Topic(s): Fleet , Featured

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